09-25-17 Seg 3 Mens Room


BRANSON MO NEWS: This is the through it together man it’s. Big bill yeah. The red top eighty million. All the other things. You’re listening to the in his room and went miles and spread and. Obama calls for god again. 8449990. Look you’re on hold the track again there on a random question but by the harder it is not because I’ll have I don’t the reason we asked. What are you hate to admit that you actually paid money for you guys have any regrets on any purchases limit. Lately. Idea OK I saw an independent wrestler Brian McCann and his whole thing is he’s like sleazy in this and that I bought a T shirt that says Ahmed he flip GAAP. Looking like a pink flip yeah and I don’t know him okay this teacher yeah I was drunk I was excited he would settle an old heavy truck they have a beef with guy he nor do I did the same gap credit and I think I was in Bordeaux or something aren’t what. Same thing you I am hammered drunk and I see your shirt that says. Somebody white. Go F yourself and I approve this message don’t wait yeah. Our number one I’m sure don’t like why did I buy this for the month of did you did you know by as the putt. I did it but he trotted out here I am not I would either and I’ve got one you hope Arianna is on the box. A month out of the box with an instant pop I don’t know it’s supposed to be like nine and one you can like crock pot pie OK okay only trigger ready to pressure cooker you can do stuff like half the time. So it’s got to wait around …


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